Based on feedback from the game last season and a desire to streamline processes and time spent by clubs and players/parents, we are making two key developments to GMS for the 2020/21 season:
•Personal Profile changes to improve the user experience for all GMS users.
•Age-grade registration changes to benefit club administrators / registrars.
In addition, we will also be introducing a support portal to house GMS help materials.
To support clubs with these key changes and as a follow up to the webinar held on the 9th July found here https://www.englandrugby.com/participation/running-your-club/club-webinars we will be running three webinars open to Area 4 clubs during the week beginning Monday 27th July. These are running at a variety of different day and times to allow flexibility to attend one of the sessions. This is a National programme and will be run across all RFU Areas in due course. But whilst the target audience for these is Area 4 Clubs, clubs from other RFU areas are welcome.
To take part please email laurencekenyon@rfu.com to book a place, stating
- your name
- club
- role within the club (optional)
- your chosen session
Once your email has been received, you will then be sent a link to allow you to log in to your chosen session.
Dates for the Webinars;
Monday 27th July – 2.00pm
Tuesday 28th July – 6.00pm
Wednesday 29th July – 7.00pm