I am pleased to invite you to an online webinar where we will give all clubs attending some valuable insight into how to launch Walking Rugby at your clubs. With a rise in activity levels amongst our senior populations, there is no better time to attract new and returning members to your club to take part in this safe, non-contact format of the game. Diversify your revenue, make links with your wider community and assist members to get active as well as addressing loneliness issues that have been exacerbated by the pandemic over the past 18 months.
This will be a one hour session, with guest presenters from an established and a highly successful walking rugby team (50 new members to their club) who are more than happy to share what they did, how they did it and why, to help “grow the game” here in Leicestershire & Rutland. We are also working with a number of the Counties district councils who have small funding pots available to aid your club in setting up walking rugby sections. They will also be on the call to explain more.
Register for the session by clicking on the following link – https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJErdO6hrzkqHtxSVhIwPaxxUps7JXK-3-X3 – once you have registered, you will receive the meeting link. I hope to see lots of our clubs represented and looking to launch walking rugby later this Summer.
Meeting details
Monday 12th July 7 – 8pm.
Kind regards,
Tim Westwood
RFU Club developer (Midlands)