Dear All,
I write to bring you my very best wishes in this very strange time.
I did not realise, and I am sure most of you did not, that way back in March when we went into lockdown and our season ended so abruptly that we would still be in a similar situation.
I do not believe that anyone has the answer as to when we will be ‘back up and running’ but we now know it will be January 2021 at the earliest. A sad situation indeed, but public safety has to be all of our priority and we must take individual and corporate responsibility for that.
It is good to see some rugby activity including forms of matches, around the county, albeit not what we would like. I am following activity on the LRU website and on social media via Leicestershire Rugby Union, Club Leicestershire and various clubs’ Facebook pages. It is pleasing to see the Government and RFU guidelines being followed around the county.
It was good to meet up by handing over the hand sanitzers and it made me realise how much I was missing getting out and about for rugby.
Club visits are a little problematical at the moment but I am happy to make a socially distanced visit to training sessions, Mini and Junior training and indeed any events to which you would welcome me to give both my and the LRU support. There is financial advice and support available and perhaps by visiting individual clubs I or another member of the Executive can offer suggestions for grants and funding. It would be good to see what clubs have done to their set-up to adjust to the guidance and enable us to share good practice.
To this end it would also be helpful to know what is going on around the county and if you would be kind enough to let me know president@leicestershirerugbyunion.co.uk Please be sure to name your Club, in your response, as I am sorry but I do not know all contacts.
- Are your Seniors/Colts training? If so when and what time?
- Are your Minis and Juniors training? If so when and what time?
- Have you an event of any kind planned? If so when and what time?
- Is there anything I or the LRU Executive can support?
I appreciate all of the above are subject to change as guidelines are amended.
It would be great to have a definite date for the return of rugby as we know and love it but this I’m afraid is one of the great unknowns.
I offer you my support in any way that you feel I can and look forward to normality, in whichever form it is.
Yours in rugby