Tackle Height Update 30/01/23


Jan 2023

The Executive Committee met via Teams on Saturday 28th January 2023 to propose and vote on the following items ahead of the Tackle Height Clubs Meeting on Tuesday 31st January. The items were proposed by Peter Howard, RFU Council Member.

Present: John Brindley, Martin Jinks, Gail Bates, Peter Howard, Neil Haagenson, Helen Wrighten, Liz Causon, Barbara Crellin, Ross Bailey, Chris Hayward.
Apologies: Graham Cree

Item 1
Back Staffordshire in their motion for the RFU to rescind the alterations to the tackle law to allow for consultation with clubs and members subject to member approval
Vote – Unanimous

Item 2
Support CCU (Community Clubs Union) for the RFU to revise procedures to ensure that CBs and clubs are consulted before making any major changes to the game subject to member approval
Vote – Unanimous

The above items will be presented to the members on Tuesday 31st January for voting. Please ensure you make your club representatives aware of your input on the items.

Gail Bates
Hon Secretary