On behalf of Sue Roughley, Hon Secretary
Clubs Officers have been sent the below via email in addition.
The Leicestershire Representative on the RFU Council – Peter Howard – is retiring after the maximum 9 years in role and I therefore invite nominations from Member Clubs of Leicestershire Rugby Union, for this election.
Nominations must be made by a voting member Club, in writing on Club headed notepaper and signed by an officer of the Club and the person nominated. Each nomination will also require seconding by a member Club in writing on Club headed notepaper, signed by an officer of the Club and the person nominated.
Every nomination (which shall mean both the proposal and second) must be in writing and must be received by the Hon Sec not later than 1 March 2025.
No nominations will be acknowledged/accepted unless the above is followed in its entirety.
Where more than one candidate is nominated, an election shall be made by a postal vote.
Below is an extract from Reg 18 and the letter sent to clubs with the relevant details.
RFU Rep Nomination Letter 2025 – 2026
20241113 Extract from RFU Rule 18 (002)
It is suggested that the nominee prepares and submits a short synopsis about themselves, perhaps along with their intention in regard to representing the wishes and requirement of the LRU on the RFU Council. This will help with the ballot in the latter stages of the election and gives the candidates some time in which to prepare.
If anyone requires further information, then please email hon-sec@leicestershirerugbyunion.co.uk
Kind Regards
Sue Roughley
Honorary Secretary – Leicestershire Rugby Union