Leicestershire RU Facility Group have organised a unique opportunity for Club Groundsmen to spend an evening with Keith Kent (Twickenham Stadium – Head Groundsman) on the Wednesday 29th March from 6.30pm (opening with a buffet) @ Vipers RFC. The evening is arranged to provide new ideas, gain answers, speak with industry partners, observe practical demonstrations and identify funding avenues.
This promises to be a great evening before the off-season is upon us and you start to implement your out of season remedial work, so why not join us to gain some additional advice from the presenters and fellow groundsmen across Leicestershire.
Please register your interest in attending by emailing petershaw@rfu.com or richardhickson363@hotmail.com
Download and print the flyer or email to your team Pitch Maintenance evening_A3 Poster_Vipers_290317 v2