The Leicestershire Rugby Union Facilities Group is inviting clubs to apply for a small grant towards Improving Pitch Quality or Getting the Game on.
LRU Grant Application Form 2019-2020
The closing date for applications is 30th September 2019 and decisions will be made and clubs notified in November.
Clubs are required to have complied with Regulation 7 Payment of Players, submitted accounts and paid subscriptions to Leicestershire Rugby Union.
Grounds/Pitch Survey
At Leicestershire R.U. we are committed to helping clubs improve their playing surfaces. To do this we wish to gain an understanding of what you need and how we can help.
Please take the time to complete the very short survey using the following link.
Ideally, the Facilities Group would like to gain responses from officers/individuals dealing with the grounds or facilities at your club.
Date for your diary
GROUNDSMAN EVENING – Wednesday 30th October, 6.30pm – 9.00pm, Venue to be confirmed. Further information to be sent at a later date.
Finally, if a club has any new developments progressing then please do get in touch with the group for support and advice.
Peter Shaw RFU Midlands Facilities – PeterShaw@RFU.com
John Upton – Grounds – j.e.upton@btinternet.com
Mick Higgins – mhiggins2012@btinternet.com