Game Management System (GMS) – URGENT REQUEST


Jan 2018

I have been contacted today by Gareth Short, the new RDO representative who has taken over from Ian Renard as leader of the Area 4 GMS User Group. He has been asked to gain some information from all of us members of that group, but I am afraid that there is a very swift turnaround for this.

At the February GMS Steerco, the committee will hear from all internal Working Groups on priorities ahead of the 18/19 season and progress against the GMS Roadmap, in relation to development and delivery.

May I ask you, please, to submit your own top three challenges to me on where the focus of development should be, bearing in mind that the RFU has already received feedback through the tile in GMS and input via the RDO committee group. This will assist GMS Steerco in aligning internal conversations with individuals out in the game and, if priorities differ, ensure that they communicate effectively on why their focus is as it is.

There is no real format for the feedback, other than focussing it around the ‘key challenge’ and the area of GMS to which it belongs…i.e. Club Management- Roles held by individuals or Team Management- Managing access to Fixtures…etc

Please let me have any feedback by close of play on Sunday 29 January 2018.


Peter Howard

RFU Council Member for Leicestershire

26 January 2018