The Community Rugby Injury Surveillance Project team are currently inviting men’s (levels 3-9) and women’s club 1st teams to register to take part for season 2021-22. The project is managed by a team at the University of Bath and is funded by the RFU as part of the RugbySafe research programme to understand the injury profile of English community rugby. The Project team have now been collecting injury information for 11 seasons alongside projects in Premiership, Championship and University rugby. Previous CRISP season reports are available via:
Participating clubs are requested to begin injury recording from the first league match of the season with the following information (reported via the CRISP online data entry system or paper forms):
- Brief details on age, weight and height for 1st team squad players and individual consent from each player (consent signed via an online link by players to remove the need for paper forms).
- Brief details for each 1st team match (score, weather, opponents)
- Details on any 1st team match injuries causing the player to miss one match or more (8 days or greater time-loss).
Participating teams will receive a report of their team’s match injuries compared with the averages for teams of a similar playing level.
How to register your club
This project is open to both men’s and women’s 1st teams. To nominate either or both teams or for any further information, please contact the CRISP team either by email (rfu-crisp@bath.ac.uk) or completing the registration form: https://bathreg.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/crisp-2021-22-club-registration-form.
Kind regards,
Dr Simon Roberts (on behalf of the CRISP team) Email: rfu-crisp@bath.ac.uk Tel: 07890261228