Further update : Tackle Height 23/01/2023


Jan 2023

The FAQs which have already been shared with Council Members, and which were not previously included with the Community Game Update last week, are being updated by the RFU and will be published on the RFU website later today, here:

The RFU will also be providing a link to an article by Dr Ross Tucker in The Science of Sport.
I can however, provide this link now:

I understand that a Community Game Update is planned for tomorrow and will include a video to explain the rationale and changes including interviews with Professor Simon Kemp – RFU Medical Director, John Lawn – Head of Game Development and Paula Carter – RFU Council Member, Council appointed Board Member, Chair of RFU Governance and Chair of the RFU’s Head Impact Prevention & Management Subcommittee.

John Lawn will also be doing a series of interviews including The Good The Bad and The Rugby (to be broadcast on Wednesday), BBC, Times and Sky to explain the intent of the changes.

John Inverdale; RFU Council Member for the National Clubs Association will also be hosting a live broadcast later in the week with recognised faces from the game discussing the changes.

There is a scheduled monthly drop in call tonight for Constituent Body representatives. Whilst these sessions have defined topics (in breakout rooms) the President has agreed to re-purpose the call and to update on the tackle height issue. The President will Chair the call, Simon Kemp will give an overview of the science and John Lawn will explain the intent of the changes. Paul Walsh, former Hinckley and Leicestershire County men’s coach, who many will remember, now lives and coaches in France. He has contacted the LRU and offered to speak to a Zoom call for Clubs, to explain the effect of the changes in France and LRU colleagues are working to arrange that; hopefully for next week.

Further details will follow.

Peter Howard
RFU Council Member
23 January 2023